


Everyone knows that agribusiness moves Brazil.

It is there, in the field, that jobs are created, solutions to feed and supply the world and opportunities for development for various markets.

But who moves agribusiness? Companies like LIVIX.

That bring technology and efficiency to businesses.

That facilitate management and value people.

That build long-term partnerships and deep trust.

LIVIX was born to help companies structure complete financial ecosystems.

Integrating benefits, expense management and receivables advances on a flexible, intelligent platform that uses data to generate insights.

All this to offer control and autonomy with customized solutions for each type of business.

All this to bring more and more technology and modernity to the sector.

All this to prove that if agribusiness does not stop growing, LIVIX does not stop evolving.

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Technology for agribusiness

We help companies build efficient and flexible financial systems so that they intelligently assume control of their expenses and benefits, facilitating management, valuing people and businesses.

Expertise in Agribusiness

We are a financial solution that deeply understands the forces and challenges of agribusiness to bring more and more technology and modernity to the sector.


A complete and intelligent solution that integrates in the same financial platform, benefits, corporate expenses, anticipation of receivables that adapts to different types of business.

Autonomy and Control

Our solutions help companies to become their own financial ecosystem, offering a platform that uses data to generate insights and ensure that companies take financial control of their expenses and benefits.

experiencia personalizada

Customized Experience

with tailor-made service for you and your business

Imagine having a dedicated account manager available to meet your needs with agility and efficiency. Say goodbye to long waits in standard service channels!

With us, you will have direct access to a highly trained professional to solve your demands quickly and effectively.

Agile delivery times ensure that you can enjoy our services without worries.

About us

LIVIX is a business intelligence company, consolidated in years of experience in open and closed payment systems, B2B, B2C and C2C relationships, creating a solid brand and image.

The company has specialist technology for cutting-edge business scenarios, operates with its own technology and in integration in the consumption and supply plans of all social classes, locations, age groups, income and profiles.

The modernity and convenience of the segment are linked and provide resource savings and increased sales. Potential customers can and should be encouraged to use technological resources for consumption in their own network.

LIVIX believes that by strengthening the local economy, stimulating the culture of a network of own incentives, each customer will have the experience of enhancing their purchasing power while saving administrative resources and tax costs.


To be a facilitator of the insertion of customers and partners of any size and location to innovative means of payment and management.


To be recognized by society, customers and partners as an innovative and differentiated company in its way of acting.


Fully proprietary system for transaction processing from an exclusive and accredited network with physical (P.O.S), digital (Web and App) capture means, through internet or offline telephone channel (SMS), which offers customized solutions for each type of business.

Competitive Advantage

The company believes that by strengthening the local economy, stimulating the culture of a network of its own incentives, each customer will have the experience of enhancing their purchasing power as the economy of administrative resources and tax costs is saved.


Rodrigo Barbosa e Silva



Pós-doutor Stanford (EUA)

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Av. Paulista, 854 - 17º andar - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01310-913

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Av. Sebastião de Camargo Ribas, 1376 - Bonsucesso, Guarapuava - PR, 85.055-000

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Commercial Phone: +55 (11) 4290-1470 / +55 (42) 3622-0493

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Customer Support (WhatsApp): +55 (42) 98805-4663

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Free 0800 channel exclusive for card user

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LIVIX Card Issuer and Manager Brazil LTD.

LIVIX is a leading company in business payment intelligence, with years of experience in the market. Our system is highly adaptable to the specific needs of each client, ensuring personalized and efficient solutions.
